Mobile Landing
Page Builder

70% of phone users search for
businesses on their mobile phone.
Customers are mobile. Are you?

Mobile Builder an easy-to-use online tool that creates effective and beautiful mobile landing pages and websites, in minutes.

Gallery: showcase your business in a slider gallery

  • Video: display media rich content to customers on the go
  • Click-to-call: make it easy for your customers to contact you
  • Directions: GPS navigation directs customers to your venue
  • Facebook widget: a one-click ‘like’ button will grow your Facebook fan base
  • Form: capture leads easily and increase conversions
  • Opening hours: let your customers know when you are open
  • Custom button: send visitors to a pdf file – upload a menu, catalogue, promotion
  • SEO keywords: improve your search engine ranking
  • Customize your domain name: you can use your own domain name
  • Google Analytics: track mobile visitors and measure the success of your new mobile website

The builder simplifies the mobile experience, giving mobile users exactly what they are looking for on one page.

Mobile users are on-the-go, they have very little attention spans, and have a very specific reason to be visiting your website. Having a simple, mobile landing page or website that gives visitors what they are looking for, straight away, will give your visitors a great mobile experience, resulting in more conversions and more business. So get thinking… Why are your customers likely to be visiting your site on their mobile? Now, give them what they want on one page!

Every website should be mobile-friendly. Create mobile landing pages and earn more.

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When it comes to mobile, less is more. Try the only single-page mobile website creator! Use our world-class mobile site creator to create a beautifully simple and effective mobile website and have it up and running in minutes

Mobile Optimized



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